the Conservatory of Amsterdam

Conservatory of Amsterdam

Besides his passion for making and creating music, Plomp is also a passionate teacher. Talented young people from all over the world come to the Conservatorium van Amsterdam (CvA) to study music and working with these special students is a lasting inspiring experience for Johan. “Working with these talented students keeps me fresh and sharp and prevents me from losing contact with youth” to quote an interview with Johan.

In his role as big band teacher and conductor at the CvA, Johan gets the opportunity to work with the most talented students and to set up projects and give concerts on a regular basis. Every year there are at least four concerts with guest soloists by one of the regular bands, and several times a year different project line-ups are put together for special programs.

To name a small selection of highlights with the regular Tuesday Big Band, we higlight the concerts with Seamus Blake, Dick Oats, Alex Sipiagin, Ilja Reijngoud, Rick Margitza, Humphrey Campbell and Tineke Postma. Of the special projects the concerts with Terell Stafford, the CD recording with Reinier Baas and the symphonic jazz production with Bob Mintzer were some memorable musical events.

Keep an eye on this website or that of the CvA if you want to know what will happen with Johan’s concerts at the conservatory!

visit the CvA website

*** Pre-Order Now ***

Optophobia’s first album is going to be available in September, but you can pre-order now and have it delivered as soon as it comes out!

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